We are here to help!
AuthGuide New User Registration
How can I register to Ultimatix for the first time?
AuthGuideForgot Ultimatix Credentials?
How can I reset my Ultimatix credentials (Username/Password) and unlock my account?
AuthGuideSetup Ultimatix Authenticator App?
How can I install and setup Ultimatix Authenticator app on my mobile device?
AuthGuideNeed a temporary login alternative?
How can I log on to Ultimatix if I have lost access to Ultimatix Authenticator or token?
AuthGuideCannot use a smartphone?
I do not have a smartphone to install Ultimatix Authenticator app. How can I log on to Ultimatix?
AuthGuideMobile device lost/stolen?
What should I do to avoid unauthorised access to my Ultimatix account?
AuthGuideHard token lost/stolen?
What should I do to avoid unauthorised access to my Ultimatix account?
EasyAuthGuideUnable to use EasyAuth login option?
How can I setup EasyAuth as additional login option?